From the scriptures of Judas, it is evident that he was the
only one of the 12 disciples who fully understood the message that Jesus tried
to deliver. Incidentally, a message that followed Jesus from his royal
bloodline as direct descendant of King David and a very difficult one to
explain. After Jesus was crucified, the disciples went on by writing their
versions of what they had learned and perceived from him. The book of Judas was
found some years later but never included in the Bible for obvious reasons.
This, however was the choice of those who eventually founded the Catholic Church
and built a religion on incomplete information. From a destiny point of view,
that needed to be so. A mindset had to be maintained for 2000 years in order to
keep this book alive until now when the true nature of God needed to be
revealed. Religion was an inevitable derivative from the incorrect or rather
incomplete message. It is now time for that to change and for humanity to
finally receive the correct information.
All the information in the Bible is relevant to this period
or crossroad of our journey through space we are at right now ( or Where to from Here for a full explanation). Our increase in intelligence is the
reason for our compulsion to create borders. It also warns very strongly about the 666 that could
prevent the most amazing life on this planet from unfolding. The warning
against our medical condition is especially significant now and cancer, especially
skin cancer is becoming a noted killer if not the foremost. All the signs are
there and it is up to every individual to realize that. These are the times we
have been warned against for more than 2000 years. The end of the age of
The two very distinctly different Gods mentioned in the
Bible are us and the universal intelligence. Us, being the humans who had
conceived the trinity that gave them the power to conceive incredible concepts
and put them into practice, for example; Rothschild with the federal banking
system and St. Peter with religion. It did not matter, whether the concept was
correctly conceived with the greater good of humanity in mind, what mattered
was that it was born, making them Demigods, the ones described in the beginning of
Genesis. You are the implementers of these mind-sets or
illusions based on demigod conceptions; all you have to do is realize that.
Now, to break this apart and shatter their poorly conceived concepts
which have enslaved humanity it is important for majority of us to stand together
with a common goal, I call it collective thought. This is where it becomes
difficult. For the bulk of humanity to see this, it is necessary to take the
bull by the horns and get into the public eye, hence the reason I have chosen to
sue the Pope. That in turn will lead us to the end of Capitalism. To have
conceived this concept, I have had to devote myself unconditionally to
humanity. I have no agenda other than our freedom and this concept was
conceived exactly the same way as Rothschild did it in 1666 through the
teachings of King Solomon.
From here we have an amazing guide and life will become
simple and easy to live once the inevitable initial shock is over. All the
guidelines for a free world are written in the Proverbs of King Solomon and
they are the basis of the New World Order as well. Every person is in charge of
his or her own destiny and the world is your home that will be run with wisdom. Greed will not exist and real money does not have to go away at first
but eventually it will. If this is the kind of world you would like to live a
long and fruitful life in based on mutual respect then this is what needs to
happen. To this I give myself unconditionally!
THE NIKOLA TESLA 369 CRACK: Blog based on the Tesla code crack
THE PETITION: Please sign our petition against the Pope
Order 2014 final edition Where to from Here, Cognition from Our publisher.
THE NIKOLA TESLA 369 CRACK: Blog based on the Tesla code crack
THE PETITION: Please sign our petition against the Pope
Order 2014 final edition Where to from Here, Cognition from Our publisher.
you are invited to follow my blog
ReplyDeleteHi Steve, I have been to your blog and do believe that the short sighted interpretation of the books is what put humanity in the dilemma we are in today. Please feel free to send a mail request for a free copy of my book 'Where to from here'. I have to warn you though that the book is out the box and may shock you. A friend in the ministries has also made me aware of the resemblance to my life, my book and Revelation 10. You decide. Namaste!
ReplyDeleteI write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t see a follow widget on this site, but if you put one up...I will gladly follow you publicly as well.
If you wish, click on “dashboard” on the top right of your main blog…then click on “layout” on the left side of the page, “add a gadget” on the right side column…that takes you to the "basics" list. On the left of that list is a "more Gadgets" option. Click on that one and it's the first option. Says..."FOLLOW"
ReplyDeleteI just came over to read your blog as a result of seeing your comment on A Christian view. At the bottom of your profile I read your question 'How do you know where you are going if you don't really know where you come from' I do believe I know where I came from. When I was twenty eight years old I had what people call a near death experience . I was taken to a beautiful place that to me was reality, my twenty eight years of life was like a dream and I wanted to stay there but was told 'It's not time yet, you must go back.' While I was there my knowledge was increased and every question about life that I had ever wanted answered was answered in a split second. This knowledge was taken away from me when I came back. Seven years later when I became born again of God's Holy Spirit I read in the Bible of a similar experience that Paul the apostle had fourteen years previous, where he was carried away to the third heaven and was told things that he could not speak about. A few verses down it calls this same place 'Paradise'. Later on I read in the Bible where God says to Jeremiah 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you'. Everything came together as far as where I had been and I am still learning and running the race to claim the prize offered by God.
Thank you for the info Covnitkepr1 and reminding me, I was being a bit presumptuous about the followers in thinking that the blog at would be connected,! Thank you for the following. Brenda, the spiritual world never seizes to amaze me and it has always made me wonder how it seems to elect certain beings above others. Now I understand. What I also could never understand was the reason for connecting it all to Christianity immediately. There lies a problem in the potential for indoctrination due to lack of understanding and I understand that very well. We are all searching yet we get stuck in the easiest place that we all seem to know from a young age. What a waste of a chosen soul. There are many stories much the same as yours. I do however have to tell you that what you are looking for is not in any external body or entity, a fatal mistake we all make. We seem to try to find answers in what we have been taught or rather programmed with from the beginning of our lives yet the answers are within already and what the Bible is trying to tell us. The Catholic church is the founder of religion and have focused on the new testament as they combined it. Think about it, if you think something is correct, you will punt it with all your power no matter whether it is correct or not. Eventually it will be the correct and believable. Although not entirely incorrect, I must say however, the Old Testament holds the key and it clearly states that the power/knowledge is already there, all you have to do is find it within yourself. What you saw is there from memory of your reincarnated soul and to find that you have to love yourself first and foremost. That is your god. Once there you connect to the Infinite Intelligence that will guide you. Doctrines stop us from finding this because they are in the mind. When you had your experience your mind was switched off briefly and that gave your soul a gap to shine. Remember: God has no religion and you are a soul having a human experience. Find your truth, leave the doctrines.
ReplyDeleteBrenda14 February 2013 00:56
ReplyDeleteThis is what I wanted to tell you Andre,
the catholic church may be the founder of religion but it is Jesus, the word of God who is the founder of my faith. I have had supernatural things happen to me from a very early age. My father prayed for me when I was ill at a very young age and all the room turned blue and I was made well. When we children used to argue amongst ourselves we would say 'Dad, dad who is right?' He would go to his Bible saying 'Let's see what the Lord says' and would find a scripture there that would stop the arguement. Since I have been born again I have had a miraculous healing, healings over time, and have many testimonies of the presence of God in my life. I don't feel I have ever been taught by anyone except the Holy Spirit. There is a scripture which states 'no man shall say 'Know the Lord' for they shall all be taught by God. The Bible is not a book, it is a vocabulary, God's voice. Just as I do not say 'yes' and 'no' at the same time, neither does God. He is Spirit, and is omnipresent. He knows the heart of all of mankind. I have found my truth, it is in Jesus.
Hi Brenda, I cut your post from the other blog and deleted it there. Yes things like that are known to happen but what we do not realize is that there are those born with special souls, the ones with purpose on this planet and the ones described in the books. They are protected by universal law and they will receive signs throughout their lives to make them aware of the fact that they are with purpose. I have had to face many of those all my life with much confusion to say the least. I never understood why these things were happening to me and I also turned to the church for guidance but it never came and I turned my back on the system to find my own truth. I never turned my back on the bible though as I believed it had value. I do however understand why so many have done though and that is the reason I am doing what I feel is the only way to restore its value. Religion has been responsible for so much unfair animosity towards that book. It is not a book of worship and it is not a book of religion. When you fully comprehend Proverbs 1;1 you will have the recipe to understand the rest and the key lies right there in the middle of the book. That is the key that will unlock your soul. The book I wrote is a recipe for that and should shorten the journey and guide you into the correct direction. I believe that if people understand that book, the world will become what it should have been without the control of capitalism. My destiny path lead me to writing it and I take no credit for it, that is why I am willing to give it away. Jesus was also just a man who had connected to his soul journey and did what was expected of him. That is what faith is all about, believing in your purpose, your God. Immaculate conception is when you find it and complete Mind, Body and Spirit also known as Trinity that will connect you to an infinite intelligence that you have already seen. I want to ask you something, why is it that the human race is always looking for something external to believe in when all that really has to happen is to find what is already there? Is it because no one can love themselves to that extent that they believe in themselves? You tell me.